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March 24th 2020

The Farmer & the {Florist} Interview: Christin Geall

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I am thrilled to have the opportunity to talk with my inspirational flower friend Christin Geall, whose new book, Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style is hitting bookshelves soon. I met Christin when she attended an on-farm workshop in 2016. She has since gone on to teach floral design all over the globe and continues to inspire readers with her beautiful words on flowers.

Christin Geall styling peach arrangementErin: Christin, thanks so much for taking time to share your story with Floret readers. For those not familiar with your work, can you share an overview of your story, as well as an overview of your new book, Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style?

Christin: I’ve been working with words and plants for 30 years. I love ideas and so Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style is really a series of short—sometimes personal—essays, paired with images. When people flip through the book they gush over the pictures (which I took, so that’s nice), but I want to say: “Don’t you just love that sentence?” I suppose I’m a writer first and foremost.

I like to use the word “essays” to describe the writing because it comes from the French essayer, meaning “to try.” In the book, I explore, in philosophical terms, and explain, in practical terms, what I have learned about floral design without any step-by-step instructions. I cover creativity, photography, rhythm, restraint, style, gesture, form, and color among other things. To build the narratives, I dove into history, art history, color theory, garden design, botany, psychology, and music. I have to say, it was a joy to research.

Page from Christin Geall bookErin: Your training as an academic, and references to historical texts, give your work depth that you don’t often find in other flower-focused books. I really appreciate your writing on gardeners from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and how they helped you expand your range of foliage plants. What other big takeaways did you discover during your research? Are there parallels to the floral renaissance we’re seeing today? 

Christin: In 1907, Gertrude Jeykll advocated the use of “poultry wire” in her book Floral Decoration in the House. She was a remarkable woman: a painter, garden designer, floral designer, and writer. She worked with William Robinson, author of The Wild Garden [1870] and The English Flower Garden [1883], and both railed against the Victorian fashion of hothouse-grown flowers bedded out in patterned gardens. Instead, they designed mixed borders with shrubs, bulbs, and herbaceous plants and also celebrated native flora. One could argue that Jekyll’s and Robinson’s reaction to the horticultural fashions of their time is similar to our “grown-not-flown’” aversion to carbon-intensive flowers. Aesthetics are again informed by ecology.

Erin: You obviously drew upon many historical texts while writing this book. Which of these texts were most influential to you?  For readers interested in this rich history, which books do you recommend? 

Christin: Constance Spry’s books are very good, and Jekyll was a prolific writer. She worked in the time of the Impressionist painters. To me, that’s interesting—how ideas about nature, color, and light played out across various fields of artistic endeavor. So perhaps my favorite books weren’t about flowers at all, but rather about art and design—subjects where I still have so much to learn. A clear favorite from that category is Chromaphilia: The Story of Color in Art, by Stella Paul.

Christin Geall dark tonesErin: Floral arrangements today are often described as “Dutch Masters” in style, but as you point out in the book, the paintings are stylistically different depending on their period. I also appreciate your description of what is described as Dutch Masters-style floral arranging, as it is often misinterpreted. Your own definition of it as “a work of art inspired by art” is spot-on. How does that thinking influence your own design work?

Christin: I had tremendous fun researching the Dutch Golden Age and can’t help but think that the same passion for plant collection that led to the creation of Dutch floral still life is alive and well at Floret today! You’ll laugh, but when I first started flower farming—I have a small urban farm—and Floret offered a new flower, I had to have it, even though I barely had room to grow it, lived in Canada, and had no idea how to import it—be that an Italian poppy or a new dahlia. Such acquisitiveness led to the collapse of the Dutch economy during the tulipomania of the 17th century, of course, but I’m thankful that my pursuit of fashionable flowers hasn’t bankrupted me yet!

With regard to the stylistic changes Dutch floral still life went through over 200 years, I included a list of things to learn from the paintings in the book, and one of them that speaks to your point is that asymmetry is a choice, not an obligation. We are in a romantic floral age, and while my work, and that of many others at this time, leans late baroque, there is an elegance to the early Dutch floral paintings from the 17th century that we can learn from. Abundance has been one of the great privileges of the modern age; I sense that restraint might become more fashionable going forward.
Christin Geall dark

Christin Geall dahlia gardenErin: As you say, “training and practice help one to develop artistically.”  What advice do you have for others who want to cultivate creativity? 

Christin: I unpacked the idea of creativity in the book because I don’t believe it’s a gift bestowed on some and withheld from others. As Constance Spry said, “an eye can be trained more readily than a character changed.” What she’s implying, I believe, is that the art of floristry is skills-based. It’s about using your hands, sometimes working quickly, innovating on the fly, and solving problems. There is no art in that—there is practice, craft, intention, and yes, creativity, but the art, the seeing, comes later.

So to cultivate creativity, I say: Acquire the skills, the materials, and the time to explore your creativity. I have taken workshops, hired a photographer to help me learn how to photograph flowers, and every year grow a virtual paint box of flowers to work with. I’ve also intentionally constructed a life that gives me the space to be creative. There are sacrifices one makes to live artistically of course, but I’m delighted by the choices I have most days.

Christin Geall compoteErin: What are you currently working on, dreaming of, excited about in your life and work?

Christin: There’s an old adage that you should “write what you know,” but I find it more interesting to write as I am learning. I like to take the reader along with me as I discover things and make connections. If I reach an epiphany, great, but truly it’s acquiring and assembling knowledge that gives me and my writing the most energy.

Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style is largely built from Western ideas and flowers, with a touch of wabi-sabi and ikebana thrown in, and while I’m incredibly proud of what I managed to do with the book in terms of its depth, I’m also aware of its limits. I’m doing a number of book events in England this year and hope to be at The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, where I interned in my 20s. Returning decades later sets up a nice narrative arc for the new book I have in mind.

Christin Geall spring arrangementErin: Anything else you’d like to share?

Christin: You kindly helped me on the path to this book, and I want to say here how grateful I am, Erin. I’d like to pay that kindness forward and let people know that I’m always happy to answer questions if they get in touch, and to those who pre-order the book and send me a screenshot of their address, through Instagram or email, I’ll send a handwritten postcard with a little note in the hope of inspiring others.

Erin: Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us, Christin. You live your life with such intention, and I know our readers will find your story and new book inspiring. 

I’m so excited to give away 8 copies of Christin’s stunning new book, Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style. 2 winners will receive the book along with a set of beautiful postcards and envelopesFor a chance to win, simply post a comment below. In your comment, please share something you’re grateful for. Winners will be announced on Friday, March 27th. 

UPDATE: A big congratulations to our winners: Kristina Skinner, Michelle Ortiz, Becky Pope, Heather Dillon, Courtney Mezgar, Stephanie Aubert, Catrin Seidel and Liana Nichols!

Learn more and connect with Christin Geall


Book: Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style (Princeton Architectural Press, March 24, 2020)

Instagram: @cultivatedbychristin

Photographs by Christin Geall.


  1. noel on

    what amazing arrangements

  2. Becky Pope on

    I can’t believe I’m one of the winners! Congrats to the others winners as well and thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  3. Julie Olivere on

    I am grateful for the health and happiness of my family during this time. It has allowed us to slow down and focus on family. Creating memories together, and stepping away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life has been refreshing and much needed. It is the first time since my husband left the military that we have been able to all be together without deployments and other missions getting in the way. It truly makes you realize the little moments are what is most important.

  4. Becky Jarvis on

    I’m grateful for God sending His only Son to die for me; I’m grateful for my family that God has Blessed me with. I’m also grateful to have found a desire of my heart as a flower farmer, and so grateful for all the information available on the internet about flower farming and design.
    God Bless

  5. Anna Svensson on

    When I got to the end of the interview, which I loved, I started reading the comments and couldn’t stop. There are so many recurring threads among very personal glimpses – flowers, creativity, time, family, health, community – that accumulate into something really special. Something about the positive reinforcement of repetition makes me I feel as though my lungs have expanded, and the prospect of a new day in the little flat is full of possibility. Because I too am grateful for all these things, and more. Given the context I want to add that I am grateful for crossing paths with Christin, who opened up a world of possibilities in which writing and floristry thrive together. Thank you!

  6. Rosie Williams on

    I am grateful for meeting the wonderful florist who gave me the inspiration to move away from my dull, stressful job and start a whole new, exciting adventure in floristry. It has literally changed my life. I am grateful for every day that I get to work with beautiful flowers and learn more about this industry.

  7. Mihaela on

    I’m grateful for all the people and florists and friends I’ve met since i’ve strated my floral journey!
    I’m grateful for every new day of my life, for my family, my health and my stuborness to go forward even when the not so-good things are happening! For being an optimist amd also for all my life till now!

  8. Amy on

    I am grateful that I live not too far from a lake that the sun rises over each morning. To walk and think and pray as the sun comes up. Glad I can make my husband hot chocolate and a coffee for myself, then head out to check on my flower and plant babies in our garden while my young adult human babies, who have come home for safety, still sleep. The sun and flowers are testaments to spring, new life and hope in the midst of tragedy.

  9. Veronica Jones on

    I’m so grateful for all things good, true and beautiful and for the blessing of being a lifelong learner.

  10. Fabiana Desjardins on

    I’m grateful for flowers in dark times. I’m grateful to be living in a small community and that my personal liberties are preserved. Most of all I’m grateful for the knowing that keeping my spirit high is essentially helpful for everyone. And flower to me are nature’s reminder of that.

  11. Yelena on

    I’m grateful for family, friends, good food and a garden to work in. This book looks inspirational!

  12. Elaine E on

    This evening I am grateful for so many things but most all, the dedicated health care team I work with.

  13. Rhonda Delaney on

    So grateful for internet that allows our family in Canada to stay connected with us. So thankful too for my garden that always brings me peace and quietness exactly when I need it. Stay healthy Erin and everyone in the farm 💜

  14. Zoe on

    I am so grateful to live on a farm, especially right now. On a farm, one is seldom lonely and never bored. I’m putting the lessons from my Floret class last year to use, planting more beautiful flowers to share with family friends.

  15. Andreea on

    Greatful for having found a love of flowers at a very very early age that I can pass on to my daughter, a wonderful obsession to have helping us navigate through ups and downs.

  16. Bronwen Heinrich on

    I am grateful for the eternal optimism held in seeds. Seeds hold the promise of life. As I hold seeds in the palm of my hand, it is like I am holding not only history and stories of the past, but also hope, renewal, and the true essence of beauty.

  17. Stephanie on

    I’ll grateful for the renewal of spring and the hope it brings as we all face this pandemic together.

  18. Mary Thompson on

    I really am so grateful for the beauty of flowers and they way they lift my spirits and bring me so much joy!

  19. Tamara H on

    I’m thankful for the beauty we can see on social media. Even while stuck at home (in snow in my case), I can still see flowers!

  20. Jamie on

    I am so grateful it is spring time right now! With all this isolation, it’s nice to know that everything outside is coming back to life. So much opportunity to do what I love in the garden. Definitely much needed during this crazy time!

  21. Jo Moon on

    I am grateful for all the love going around in the world helping each other to overcome this difficult situation. I am grateful that we have the little things that bring us joy into our daily lives, flowers, coffee, a good book!

  22. Kristina Skinner on

    Grateful for a warm 58 degree day, spent completely in the garden, the first blooms of daffodils, the buds on the lilacs and fruit trees. The canary pair, bluejay and woodpecker bringing life and song into the yard while I work. Grateful to have a man who appreciates that my passion for gardening is giving me fresh air and focus, helping to keep me healthy and well right now. The community of gardeners and the inspiration and direction that has come from your efforts! Thank you!

  23. Katie S. on

    A beautiful interview- looking forward to reading Christin’s book. Some things can be taught step by step, but other things truly must be felt…

    I’m grateful for the springtime- a time of renewal and rebirth and most importantly- growth. A reminder that all things have a cycle of life.

    Wishing you all wellness and health.

  24. Michaela Upp on

    What an inspiration! I have so much to be grateful for but first my children, husband, pug, bunny, garden and art studio. Basically my home ❤️.


  25. Sarah Nutter on

    I’m grateful for my kids’ love of the outdoors.
    I came home from work today and they were covered in soil and pond water and told me that their garden is ready for seeds. 💓

  26. Jordan Rhoads on

    Thank you so much for this, Erin. I’m grateful that I get to spend time teaching my young daughter to garden. She’s 16 months old, and loves to “DO DO DOOO” (that’s how she says “go”) out to the garden to pick flowers and check on our vegetable plants. Her perspective in life has changed me – she notices so many things that I wouldn’t have seen before. I’m grateful to walk beside her and teach her everything that I know, and for her to teach me beautiful lessons about being a parent and a guide.

  27. Kirsten on

    Grateful for the kindness of strangers, for the love from family and friends. Grateful for my husband taking over seed raising and all things propagation and planting whilst I struggle to return from other side of the world. Grateful for inspiring books, wise words, inquiring minds and nature’s beauty…

  28. Eve Lewis on

    I am grateful for God’s many blessings, of my family and His grace to me. Thankful for His love He freely gives to us so that we can share that love with others. For all the beauty in His creations. How could anyone not believe in our creator when we see the intricacies of each flower.

  29. Judith Brink on

    On this eve of the start of a 3 week lockdown in South Africa, I am grateful for my freedom. I am grateful for physical freedom, but also for creative freedom. We live in a world where horizons are opening and we have so much access to creative souls all around the world. I am grateful that the wonderful people like Erin and Christin are able to share their beautiful and inspiring work all around the world. Thank you.

  30. Susan on

    I am grateful for the health of my family and that we have food and shelter.

  31. Molly on

    I am forever grateful for beautiful plants & flowers and for the beauty of the earth. Being outdoors in Nature is one of my favorite places, and getting lost indoors within beautiful books (esp. with flowers:) is something I’m grateful for, too. I love the name of this lovely book: Cultivated. The colors and cover are so inviting. 🧡💐 Congrats!

  32. Molly on

    I am forever grateful for beautiful plants & flowers and for the beauty of the earth. Being outdoors in Nature is one of my favorite places, and getting lost indoors within beautiful books (esp. with flowers:) is something I’m grateful for, too. I love the name of this lovely book: Cultivated. The colors & cover are so inviting. 🧡💐 Congrats!

  33. Michelle Ortiz on

    I’m grateful for the beautiful flowers that are starting to come out after all this wonderful rain we started to get again. Love the simple but complex beauty of Christins work. Her passion shines thru her floral artwork.

  34. Christina on

    I am grateful for my good health (currently)!

  35. Rubi on

    Im so greatful for learning and creating flower arrangements. I became a floral designer 13th years ago and so greatful that I got involve in the flower industry. I had a teacher that taught me and show me how to become and love my job. Theres so much to learn everyday I’m always looking for inspiration and theres so many the industry
    Life is beautiful but flowers are the pop color of all

  36. Shannon Crosswhite on

    I am grateful for the beauty that exists in nature and the beauty that is created every day by all in the passionate plant people I learn something new every day.

  37. Joanne Halpin on

    I am so grateful for my garden during this time of uncertainty. I work in a hospital and my time spent in my garden is how I “fill my cup” and de-stress after a busy day. The seeds I’ve planted have sprouted and it won’t be long before I see the first few blooms. I don’t have a large or elaborate garden, but I’m grateful for the chance to experience my garden in all its glory for yet another season.

  38. Alessia Borghetto on

    We need more corona flowers than coronavirus. In italian, the crown is “corona”, for this reason “corona” flower.
    I hope in a future world where this time will be finished and flowers will be everywhere. I hope that bloom warm people’ heart. So this book is a sample of the beauty and brightness of nature. Im grateful ti live in this world. Thank you

  39. Alessia Borghetto on

    We need more corona flowers than coronavirus. In italian, the crown is “corona”, for this reason “corona” flower.
    I hope in a future world where this time will be finished and flowers will be everywhere. I hope that bloom warm people’ heart. So this book is a sample of the beauty and brightness of nature. I’m gratefull ti libera in this world.
    Italy 🌷🌷🌷🌷

  40. Alessia Borghetto on

    We need more corona flowers than coronavirus. In italian, the crown is “corona”, for this reason “corona” flower.
    I hope in a future world where this time will be finished and flowers will be everywhere. I hope that bloom warm people’ heart. So this book is a sample of the beauty and brightness of nature. I’m grateful to live in this world. thank you.-…


  41. Alessia Borghetto on

    We need more corona flowers than coronavirus. In italian, the crown is “corona”, for this reason “corona” flower.
    I hope in a future world where this time will be finished and flowers will be everywhere. I hope that bloom warm people’s heart. So this book is a sample of the beauty and brightness of nature. I’m grateful to live in this world . thank you

    italy 🌈🌷🌼🌻

  42. Christine Cole on

    I am grateful for gardening and flowers. Cheaper than therapy and does my heart and mind a world of good. Thank you!

  43. Tyra on

    I’m grateful for spring. And the sounds of chirping birds. And beautiful clouds in the sky. And the ability to hear beauty as well as see it in each new leaf, each blooming flower.💕

  44. Kimberly on

    I am grateful for my family, for the job I still go to and for the seeds I will be starting inside this weekend!!!

  45. Pam Rowe on

    I am curious about this book. Looks like a journey beyond the garden

  46. Becky Pope on

    I’m grateful that I have seeds to get started inside and a beautiful cutting garden to look forward to this summer! Grateful that my family is healthy and doing well during this strange and uncertain situation.

  47. Suzanne Ogawa on

    I am grateful to creatives who dedicate their lives to mastering their craft and sharing it with others.

  48. Esta Modian on

    I am so grateful for the healthcare providers who are on the front lines working to save lives, the grocery store workers and all of those helping to maintain that supply chain during these challenging and uncertain times. We’ve had beautiful weather for gardening this past week, which has been a restorative distraction. I’ve planted my pre-sprouted Anemone and Ranunculus corms from Floret and am looking forward to their blooms. I was fortunate to be able to attend the foam free floral design demonstration with Christin Geall last month at the Flower and Garden festival. Her book looks absolutely stunning!

  49. Danielle on

    I am grateful for the spring weather and the flowers and sunshine it brings, for lining up all my seeds and planning my garden. And I am grateful for people like you and Christin who share there love and knowledge of what they are so passionate about.

  50. Heather Dillon on

    I am so thankful for the ingenuity and resiliency of the human spirit. I am inspired everyday by someone’s humanity!

  51. Pam Baldoni on

    I’m grateful for this day and that I can say that my family and myself are healthy and well so far during this difficult time. I am also grateful that my Daughter has a new (as of a couple of years ago) passion for flower gardening and it was inspired by you. She is really good at it too! Her dahlias are gorgeous💕

  52. Katie on

    Grateful for my wonderful family and my garden. Both give me so much joy.

  53. Alexandria on

    This moment is making me incredibly grateful for everything in my life, but especially my hobby of gardening. The ability to go outside and work the soil, tend to my seedlings, cut an entire floral arrangement from what’s outside my door, grow food for my family and neighbors.
    I’m so thankful for the million ripple effects that drove me toward this way of life. When I’m out in my garden there’s no breaking news, no panic (other than when I find aphids), no rush to the veggie garden to find it completely cleared out.
    Thank you for this wonderful interview 🤍

  54. Beverly Soltero on

    I’m grateful that for the most part my life hasn’t changed. My boyfriend and I still have a job (we work at a hospital) but we have to be extra careful. In a time where a lot of people are struggling we appreciate the little things in life.

  55. Christina Serrano on

    I’m so grateful for the gift of the beauty of color in flowers, nothing brightens up a space more. I would be so grateful for a copy of this beautiful book!

  56. Andrea on

    I’m grateful to have a small greenhouse to plant my Floret seeds. Seedlings help me look forward to the future during these uncertain times.

  57. Miranda Malott on

    I’m grateful for my family. It’s a wonderful thing in our age to be able to FaceTime our family when we can’t be physically close to them. Oh, and I’m grateful that SPRING IS HERE!!!!

  58. Sarah W on

    Last night I finally had a chance to read the forward preview for her book. It is EPIC. Her talent in all areas- arranging, photographing AND writing about it in such an interesting way is amazing!!
    The thing I am most grateful for is my husband. He works tirelessly every day taking care of patients, providing us with stable income (without which I would not be able to follow my farm dreams), and comes home at the end of his long day and again tirelessly devotes the last of his energy to spending time with our 3 young children- not easy to do when they are worn out and often cranky at the end of their day! We would be lost without him ❤️

  59. Sarah Jane Dillon on

    I am grateful for access to clean food and water during my pregnancy. We are so privileged to be able to nourish ourselves (and therefore the baby) with a wonderful rainbow of produce, to share love by cooking for each other, to hydrate with Earth’s delicious essence. Thank you farmers for providing this bounty.

  60. Elizabeth Clarke on

    I’m grateful for life, family, friends and the opportunity to help others and be a hope-dealer in the midst of all. Also very Grateful to have a garden where to find peace and release all the anxiety or worry. The nature can be a therapy for you, the way all is created make you feel enough secure that everything will be ok.

  61. Lisa Johnston-Cosner on

    I am grateful for springtime. For the flowers and trees that are blooming, and for the green leaves that are beginning to sprout. I am grateful for the warm sun that makes it comfortable for me to leave my house and take a walk, and enjoy nature’s beauty.

  62. Amanda on

    Grateful for new growth- whether in a springtime garden or whatever we find that comes out of our current state of pause in a sense or community, medical advances, or passion projects.

  63. Sheena on

    I am grateful for the warmer weather, sowing seeds, and the flowers starting to bloom.

  64. Marilyn on

    I am grateful for Spring! Here in Texas the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush are nearing peak!!


    I am grateful for the space in which I live to grow beautiful flowers that I can share with others and Erin’s generous, free help on all things flower farming.

  66. Robin Proffitt on

    I’m grateful for all the people working so hard to keep us safe right now. Using this quiet time to teach my children sustainability and reinforcing how a connection to nature can keep you grounded no matter what challenges you face.♥️

  67. Chris DiAntonio on

    I just got your book Erin, so excited to read and would LOVE to add this one to my growing collection!! Thanks for sharing!

  68. Peggy Kingsbury on

    I sm grateful that, at 79, my garden still entices me to plant, weed, water, and love.

  69. Deanna on

    I am grateful for the unusual amount sunshine we’ve had in the PNW this year as I’ve been able to garden earlier and get out and enjoy an early spring. Flowers are blooming and the cherry, peach, and apricot trees are in full bloom. It’s like Mother Nature knee we needed some extra joy right now.

  70. MJ Anderson on

    Erin, this interview /collaboration with Christin inspires so many paths for reflection: an intentional life, the willingness to take readers on a learning journey( not merely to teach what is already known), the value of some sacrifice in order to make space to be creative, following academic curiosity to find parallel themes in art and gardening-so much to weave into our own approach to life. I’m grateful for a peek into the lives you’ve both carved from the different locations but similar inclinations you share. I read so carefully I let my cup of tea get cold😂.

  71. Asna on

    I am grateful for having a healthy family, I am grateful that we don’t have worry about our next meal, I am grateful that I get see my parents every day on video chat even though they are thousands of miles away, I am grateful that my kids are learning and thriving, I am grateful for the caring community we live in, I am grateful for backyard that’s far from perfect yet it has daffodils and muscari sprouting in it. I am grateful for the comfortable life I have been given and realize not everyone in this world has that. I am grateful for this sense of security where this virus is the only thing I need to save myself and my family from. I don’t and I won’t take these blessings for granted, never! Not even for a day. I am grateful for this life that has been given to me.

  72. Jessica Greenlee on

    I am so, so grateful for all the many kinds of flowers. They make it worth getting up.

  73. Jodie on

    I am grateful for: health, sunshine and flowers.

  74. Rikki Rivera on

    How incredibly beautiful this is! I’m abundantly grateful for growing space. To have a garden to tend, learn, and watch grow is my lifeline.

  75. Emma on

    I’m grateful to be able to grow flowers this year!

  76. Serena on

    I am grateful for the time I have to spend with my family these few weeks as we’re all stuck at home. For taking a break from this busy world, even if it’s not under the best circumstances.

  77. Brianne Alexander on

    I am grateful for my backyard! I was able to cut back on my perennials and ornamental grasses. I was able to watch my three Labrador retrievers play for at least three hours in the grass. I’ve realized some people might not have a backyard and they’re cooped up inside their house all day during these times…

  78. Amie Bordelon on

    I am grateful for my family & friends, my health, a roof over my head, and the food that I have.

  79. Jennifer on

    I am grateful for each day I wake up and every moment I have with my husband and our son. I’m on a hunt for great flower books because once I can get back out to get the things I need, I’m getting started on a garden so thank you for sharing!

  80. Ellen on

    Hope. The hope that I have and the hope that we can offer to others. I am so grateful that I have it and can share it!
    Secondly, the extra time that I am getting with my family. I’ve always been a stay at home/homeschooling mom , but I am enjoying the evenings that we’ve been having staying home from busy schedules and enjoy each other. After a couple of weeks of withdrawal, my prayer is that others families will also appreciate this.

  81. Bernadette Ducasse on

    I’m grateful this morning to wake up and to know I am healthy and as soon as the sun comes out I can go out to my garden and continue getting it ready for spring and summer plantings.

  82. Bara Vigier on

    I am grateful for every day, every drop of water, for the spring that it’s coming and the garden I can attend to. Really just grateful for life itself and to be part of it’s natural cycles, connected to nature, flowers, plants and animals.

  83. Stephanie on

    I’m grateful for Christin’s ingenuity with her story time readings of the book on Instagram! Wise is a wonderful word you used to describe her.

    I’m also grateful nature doesn’t take a break and continues to press on and give us hope for the future. My Floret zinnias are sprouted and I can’t wait for blooms!

  84. Adrianne on

    I’m grateful to be able to include our toddler in our plans to start a chestnut and paw paw orchard, as well as a flower farm. Appropriately, her first word was “flower” (after “mama” and “dada”) :)

  85. Jennifer Meisinger on

    I am patiently watching my seedlings grow and am looking forward to warmer weather that will come soon.

  86. Courtney Mezger on

    This season of life is hard on a lot of people and families. And feelings of gratitude are popping up more and more for me. I have a very healthy family. My husbands job is still secure. We homeschool anyways, so our schedule isn’t drastically altered. We are on a planned vacation in Florida, and despite everything being closed… we still manage to find ourselves fishing and on island beaches. I’m beyond grateful. And when our vacation is over .. we go back to NY to a home and family. I am so grateful.

  87. Teresa Porter on

    I’m grateful that my dahlia tuber survived the winter and that it’s time to divide! Even in these strange times, there are things to do that I love.

  88. Stacy on

    I am thankful for my and my family’s health through all this craziness. Also, for the arrival of spring and flowers!

  89. gabrielle bourbonnais on

    Would love a copy of this lovely book by fellow Canadian!
    I am grateful for the opportunities that lie ahead at our new house: space for a greenhouse/toolshed/sauna, more space for growing veg and flowers, the apple and pear trees already on the property, the chance to make the house our own, adding a garage so that my partner can work on his stuff and sell online (who am I kidding, I’m gonna use the woodshop too!), and so much more.

  90. Melinda on

    I’m so grateful that, even in the midst of this unimaginable crisis, spring marches on. It’s so grounding to see the signs of life and feel warmth returning to the world in my garden.

  91. Melinda on

    I’m so grateful that, even in the midst of an unimaginable crisis, spring is still coming. It’s so grounding to look out the window or pop out to my garden and see the signs of life and nature moving onward. Time isn’t stopping, even when it feels that way, and there will be an end.

  92. Hannah Briggs on

    Super grateful for the internet so I can continue to learn and be inspired even when I’m social distancing!

  93. Kaitlinn Fort on

    I’m grateful for the time I have. Sometimes I worry I don’t have enough time to get something started on my timeline or plant some pretties before the weather is bad. But I am grateful for the time I do have to spend outside

  94. Joanne Fetting on

    I am grateful for a day home early enough to enjoy the sunshine and do some spring clean up. I love to pull back the leaves and discover the plant life poking through the soil.

  95. Julie Veillette on

    I am grateful for all the people on social media trying to stay positive to inspire us all. I’m also grateful for spring to be here soon so I can go out in my garden!

  96. Darragh Sherlock on

    I work for a company supplying essential goods to food and Pharma companies. Since the hit of COVID19, the pressure is high to ensure these businesses have what they need to supply their products consistently and in high volume right now. It’s certainly not frontline – the doctors and nurses are the real heroes in this – but we play our part supporting supply chain and keeping wheels turning. I step away from my work for a few minutes every day to check what wonderful images await from Floret Flower Farm and dream about what it would be like to work with nature and creativity….it’s an absolute escape for me right now! Nature and the seasons are a constant thankfully and are something we can be certain of – in such uncertain times. The promise of spring and summer is keeping us all going while we have to hide indoors while this monster passes. And it will. I would love to be inspired by the lovely petally pages of this book and dream…..and plot 😉. Xx

  97. Megan on

    I’m grateful to be starting my first garden this year!! Excellent quarantine project 👌

  98. LAURA Wagner on

    I am so thankful for God who gave us all the beauty we see all around us! You both are so inspiring. I have been praying for direction in this phase of life I am in being an empty nester. My husband bought me a 10×12 greenhouse kit and a really sweet friend helped us make it sturdier. Now to learn all about flowers! I cannot wait to see what I can do!

  99. Erin on

    I am so grateful that my husband has tried very hard to make our fourth generation grain farm (his side of the family) feel like it is ours & mine too. He has put countless hours into pulling down old farm buildings and fences to make a beautiful area for me to have as my garden. I had a dream of an area I wanted for a new huge garden, formerly a horse and bull barn. He made it come to life for me. Over two acres are now filled with apple trees, raspberries, veggies, haskap, sour cherries, pumpkins, rows of peonies and cutting flowers. The moments spent together with him and our daughter in that garden are some of my happiest, and for that I am beyond grateful to him.

  100. Robyn Legun on

    Grateful for this peaceful time… my family & community are so lovely. They’re cautious and kind, everything you’d hope people would be during a crisis. All this wonderful time with my loved ones is keeping my heart happy.

  101. Lori Huster on

    I’m grateful that during this quarantine and “stay home” period I have a place to garden.

  102. Monica on

    What a beautiful interview! I for one am super grateful spring is on its way & the weather is warming up here in Merriam KS. We had a long hard winter and then the quarantine happened. We have been in shelter in place since Monday night, but getting out in nature & seeing the tree bloom & the flowers popping up out of the ground is the highlight of my day! I’m so grateful to live in a neighborhood where almost everyone has created some garden space in their yard & I get to enjoy the landscape everyday! Hope everyone is staying safe & happy!

  103. Kristen on

    I am grateful for creative artists of all types. As a chef, my medium is food. I remain in awe of people that create beauty with cameras, paint, musical instruments – and flowers!! It’s food for the soul. Thank you 💐

  104. Stephanie Aubert on

    I am grateful for women like you (both!) who inspire me to be creative and to appreciate the natural beauty all around us. Thank you for the always wonderful content!

  105. Marti on

    I am so grateful for all the knowledge you have shared so that even though I’m stuck at home, I already have some adorable seedlings to help grow and hopefully soon enough, my own flowers to practice arranging! ❤️

  106. Julie Bump on

    I’m so grateful for this beautiful community you have established. I’m always so inspired to grow, cultivate, and create beautiful things whenever I read your blog. What a beautiful skill this post shows. 😍❤️

  107. Jennifer Friedman on

    Grateful for the all the sights and sounds in my garden everyday.

  108. Lydia on

    I’m grateful for the beauty found in being outdoors – whether it’s flowers or trees or sky, etc – all of it turns my gaze back where it belongs… on the One who holds us in His hands. ♥️

  109. Dolly gauthier on

    How can you not be grateful for the garden at a time like this? Flowers, trees even weeds still grow and seasons change. Such joy and peace and yes hard work. I’ve planted seeds and flowers with each of my grandchildren in the past and those moments I hold precious. It will come again.

  110. Suji Wong on

    I am truly grateful that I attended Christin’s Cambo Country House Estate workshop fall 2019! As I painter I was not familiar with the professional world of flowers & floral design. The workshop was a brilliant learning experience which will be furthered by Christin’s book, Cultivated by Christin. Christin is as marvellous & inspiring in person! Bonus? Meeting flower & plant people from around the world and gaining new inspiration for my painting. Plus, my novice arrangements were ‘not bad’! Gratitude for my best experience of 2019!
    Suji Wong

  111. Laura on

    I am grateful for my family and friends, my health, and this beautiful place that I call home, the Pacific Northwest!

  112. Jenny on

    I’m grateful for my sister, who will receive my book shall I win.

  113. Jenny on

    I’m grateful for my sissy, who will receive my book shall I win ❤️

  114. Kim on

    I am grateful for my home. I’ve always thought of my home as my retreat. That reins true more now than ever. We find our peace at home in the garden, with the chickens or even just sitting on the porch watching the birds on the feeders and the dogs run. There is something so peaceful and calming about nature.

  115. Jacquie Davis on

    I’m so grateful the sun is out and I’m able to get out to work in my garden , eases the stresses of these difficult times. Sowing seeds for the future.

  116. Julie Cox on

    I am grateful for my farmer parents who cultivated not only our family farm, garden, and flowers, but also a deep appreciation for and ability to notice the gifts of nature. There is wisteria dripping down my back fence. The dogwood tree is changing daily as it blooms. My azaleas have burst into red, pink, and white “flames”.

  117. Francine Winslow on

    I am grateful that although life has been chaotic for me not only during this time of quarantine time but for.the vast majority of my adult life I am still able to look up and see the sun and see the endless possibilities life still grants me and how each moment good or bad can show you how to appreciate even the small stuff the things you usually take for granted. I’m also grateful that although I am in a time of isolation I was able to have previously ordered seeds and each day I go to look at my seedlings start to sprout and it gives me hope that out of a small seed so much life can come out of it and bring me so much joy.

  118. Monica Strimbei on

    I am grateful for having the time to do everything I wish for: colouring, exercising my calligraphy, playing with flowers and for the fact that I had some time last Saturday (in the midst of all this crazziness) to go in a “magnolia hunt” which really made my day!

  119. Michaela Albrecht on

    Another great creator to follow! I’m constantly looking for more inspiration and I’m truly grateful for the community of flower people – from gardeners to florists to biologists to art historians to enthusiastic beginners – I keep finding. My kind of nerds.

  120. Lauren on

    I am so grateful for the peace of mind that comes with floral design; which brings so much joy to my life as I see others dip their toes into learning with me 🥰

  121. Catrin Seidel on

    What an inspiring interview! Thanks to you Erin for sharing and thanks to Christin for such an amazing work. I‘m grateful for being now a part of the world wide flower community since I took part in the Floret online workshop 2020 and looking so forward to spread the love to flowers too. Local flowers do matter – like Erin said!

  122. Julianna on

    I’m grateful that spring flowers aren’t held back by a pandemic.

  123. Hillary Selfors on

    This books looks incredible! I’m so thankful for sunshine, spring, and sharing the wonder of growing things with my kiddos.

  124. Kristin on

    I am grateful for the technology that allows me to stay connected with friends and family during this time (and is also a source of new inspiration, like Christin!).

  125. Kim P on

    I am grateful for family and their health. I am grateful for Spring and the beautiful blooms.

  126. Peggy Quall on

    Christin’s arrangements and photography are stunning! Her text sounds very interesting; I like the idea of a historical focus.
    What I’m grateful for is my mom who turned 90 this month. It is she who gave me my love for growing flowers. She is still my best gardening partner…lucky me!

  127. Salvador Gonzalez on

    I am grateful for a family that I love and loves me, in these uncertain times I feel even closer to them despite the distance.

  128. Yolanta Leszczynski on

    Gratitude… the word origin comes from the Latin word “gratus”meaning pleasing, thankful…

    I’m so pleased to have discovered Floret via an IG story that Steve Sinclair posted showcasing the launch of your beautiful new book. Now I’m thankful for the opportunity to further access new works and passion projects to inspire me. Thankyou for your generous spirit!

  129. Angela on

    I am grateful for my daughter’s soon to be mother in law who has taken both of my daughters in during this crazy time while I am stuck overseas. It is such a blessing to to have that bit of solace.

  130. Jaclyn Richards on

    This was a great interview, thank you for sharing! I am so thankful for my dear mom, who has taught me from a young age to have a love of gardening and flowers. I am so thankful to be able to spend time with her planning our springtime gardens and watching the birds come to her bird feeder. She is a true inspiration to me, and my very best friend.

  131. Judy Olson on

    I am grateful for flowers, sunny days, family, friends, my job and all the flower farmer/florists and authors.🌷🌹🌷❤

  132. Kara Place on

    I am so grateful for my partners for embracing my obsession with flowers as my main tactic for surviving this isolation and pandemic. And I am grateful for the great content (and blooms) coming from Floret!

  133. Racquel Pleasants on

    I am thankful for the changing of the season. The work and effort from the winter is starting to come to life and reminds us that with work, love, water, and rest, we too shall grow, as the season changes. Let’s continue to do our work, to love those (at a social distance), to hydrate and rest, so we can keep giving like our garden does.

  134. Jennifer Wyhoon on

    I’m am super grateful for our beautiful farm , garden filled with flowers & healthy vegetables & our much loved animals that enrich my family’s life daily. In time of need like these scary moments I can look forward to TIME spent Surrounded by these treasures! Adding a much loved Floral book to my library is so bonus !

  135. Alaire on

    I am grateful for sunshine and flowers sprouting.

  136. Liz Simpson on

    I’m grateful for my garden and the many gifts it gives …it really does feed the soul. I’m grateful for the sharing that happens between all gardeners. I’m grateful to my mother and my grandmothers for their love of gardening. But I am most grateful to watch my grown daughters begin to create gardens of their own. I know they will have the gifts a garden gives for the rest of their lives. This is a beautiful thing.

  137. Sarah L. on

    I am grateful that in this time of weirdness…we have our outside spaces to keep us sane. I am so glad that it’s springtime and I have a few things growing already. It really helps me get through the tough days. Also grateful for social media now (weird!) and how it is keeping people connected. Grateful that there are people like Erin & Christin to bring us the beauty of flowers & their creativity into our lives. Love it.
    Hoping everyone stays safe and well.

    S.L – Houston, TX

  138. Jess on

    I’m so grateful for the beauty of flowers and spring busting forth in these crazy times.

  139. Karen on

    I’m Grateful to God for the Ever changing Seasons and the Beauty each Season brings. In these Strange and Stressful times we can look around this Spring and see the flowers blooming and know that he is still with us. Just take a look at a tiny flower, a blooming tree, green rich moss and stop and smell the Roses!! Even pick a Daffodil or two!! It will put a smile on your face and that’s a Grateful thing!!

  140. Jane on

    I’m grateful for gardening and every fresh breath and mental grounding nature bring even in the worst of times. The world may be going to hell in a hand basket, but as long as I can walk outside and see the sky and the grass and the bees in my roses I’ll be ok.

  141. Liana Nichols on

    Grateful for this time to focus on the simplicity of life, family and health. Life usually goes by in such a blur that we don’t get a chance to call/check in on family and friends. Or focus on our wellbeing physically or mentally. I am loving slowing down and living intentionally. It’s a time to rest, reset, and refocus.

  142. Riegenya on

    I’m grateful that people I know, my friends, my family are safe, we pray that everyone’s safe during this Coronavirus pandemic. With the lock down, we see the Mother Earth is beginning to heal, with less traffics, less plane, less pollution. Grateful for a beautiful world we have, beautiful flowers and beautiful souls around us ❤️

  143. Brittany on

    I’m thankful for the warm weather on my walk today…it was so refreshing!

  144. Riegenya on

    I’m grateful that people I know, my friends, my family are safe, we pray that everyone’s safe during this Coronavirus pandemic. With the lock down, we see the Mother Earth is beginning to heal, with less traffics, less plane, less pollution. Grateful for a beautiful world we have, beautiful flowers and beautiful souls around us.

  145. Cheryl Slind on

    This was lovely. I enjoyed her historical inspirations especially Gertrude Jekyll who is one of my favorites.
    I am reading this after my shift at the hospital. I feel immediately calmed by seeing these beautiful naturalistic arrangements and dreaming of making my summer bouquets. Thank you for this sweet reprieve.

  146. Yasmin on

    I am grateful for the beauty of flowers and how they help raise our vibrations. Their energy and light fill my soul with hope and faith for a better tomorrow.

  147. Tabitha on

    I am thankful for the inspiration of these two wonderful people. Every time I find someone online who is just trying to pour some of their creativity out into the world I get such a feeling of hope and possibilities. Thank you for spreading your talents to the rest of the world!

  148. Shannon willis on

    I am stunned by the power and artistry of your work! Both of you are completely amazing! I have been following Erin everyday as I watch a her vision and develop my own. My dahlia journey began when my dog went to my neighbor lady’s house and chased her cats. I ran over when she called apologizing then commenting on all her flowers, aka, dahlias( I was young and new to Oregon.) Anyway, about two weeks latter she brought me 20 + tubers all hand identified And numbered on each bulb as well as a written listing in case I couldn’t read the writing on the tubers! I was blown away by her kindness ! I planted all of them and have enjoyed 10+ years of fascination of dahlias! I ordered my first new bunch a few weeks ago and I am so excited! I have space to grow and look forward to continuing learning as I watch and read others stories!

  149. Pat Papadopulos on

    In this time of isolation and extra time I am grateful for my postage stamp size yard with plenty of garden space to prepare new beds, grow new beautiful plants and flowers, and enjoy the fruits (and veggies) of my efforts. Thank you for your lovely inspiration to set up my life so I can live what I so enjoy.

  150. Rachel Doutrich on

    I am a flower grower in Oregon. I love to get my hands on every book I can, you can always learn something new!

  151. Mary Vaught on

    I am grateful for so many things… a God who is so faithful and merciful, my family, my health, the fact that I have the space to have a garden to literally reap what I sow, my fur babies, my hens who bless us in abundance with beautiful eggs on a daily basis…

  152. Morgan on

    I am so grateful in this weird, unprecedented time to have a sweet lil community garden across the street from which I can pick daffodils to my hearts delight!!! Runners up: my health and wellness, being quarantined with an amazingly supportive partner, and your blog posts. 💓

  153. Hanna on

    I’m grateful that my husband and I won’t have to move for his new job, so I can plant all of my flower babies that I’ve been growing this summer! I’m hoping it’ll be my most successful garden yet.

  154. Nicholette T. on

    I am grateful for my loving fiancé and family. Even though we had to postpone our wedding due to the pandemic, it has shown that family is all you need <3

  155. Nicholette T. on

    I am grateful for my loving fiancé and family. Even though we had to postpone our wedding due to the pandemic, it has definitely shown that all you really need in life is family <3

  156. Kate Miranda on

    I am grateful for the sunshine that has been brightening our days…just making this uncertain time a little less dreary!

  157. Cheryl Ruhl on

    I am grateful for the generosity Erin and others have shown in so freely sharing their vision and their expertise. I am excited about all the ways I can brighten my corner of the world just by growing flowers in my yard!

  158. Carol Richard on

    I am grateful for a loving family, dear friends and the hope that God provides through a warm spring day in the garden.

  159. Sam on

    Looks like a beautiful book!

  160. Lori on

    Thankful for spring in my new Anacortes home. Love seeing all the beauty Skagit Valley has to offer and can’t wait to try my hand at growing things (other than three little humans)!

  161. Kristine Daniels on

    My Garden . . . definitely my garden . . . and living in zone 7 and getting to work outside for almost 12 months of the year . . . and I can’t forget the tractor – REALLY love the tractor . . . and a huge stock of well-rotted manure – who can live without that?

  162. Ti on

    Grateful to God for what He has given… and the opportunities I have. Thanks so much to both of you for sharing!

  163. Rachel Jones on

    I am grateful for family. The coronavirus shut downs means that our house is full again with our 6 kids coming home from college and other places. Even though it is loud, messy and it feels like I am constantly in the kitchen fixing a meal, cleaning up…. I am grateful. This time together is precious and I consider it a real gift.

  164. Karen Pugh on

    I’m Grateful to God for the Ever changing Seasons and the Beauty each Season brings. In these strange and Stressful times we can look around this Spring and see the flowers blooming and know that he is still with us. Just take a look at a tiny flower, a blooming tree , green moss and stop and smell the Roses!! Even pick a Daffodil or two!! It will put a smile on your face and that’s a Grateful thing!!

  165. Megan Adams on

    Her arrangement and colors are stunning! I’m so grateful for people who share their talents with others! They make living glorious.

  166. Jessica Erickson on

    I am grateful for the simplicity and uniqueness that each flower has. I am a third-grade teacher in Stanwood, Washington and I have brought bouquets in from my garden for my students to enjoy. So many of them have commented on each individual flower and how they are so unique. It starts a conversation of how we as humans are unique as well.

  167. Alexa on

    Oh my goodness – I’m grateful to have such inspiration in both of you ladies! And right now given all that is going on I’m grateful for my garden patches however small they might seem when I see what goes on at Floret Farm (swoon). I know just how lucky I am to have these little plots of sanity to play in – and I appreciate it so much! Last thing is being grateful to live on the west coat where our season is just that little bit earlier and longer ;-)

  168. Mandy on

    Erin, it’s really hard to single out any one thing I’m grateful for. The list is endless but most of all I’m just grateful for the being…. x

  169. Ana Vivas on

    Loved the interview ❤️ I’m grateful for having flowers in my life, they have introduced me to so many wonderful people which have become my companions in this quarantine more than ever. I’m grateful for A Year in Flowers which has entertained my mornings with my cup of coffee. Hopefully I can add Christin’s book as well! Stay safe and thank you again!

  170. Deanna Berg on

    I am grateful for the gifts of nature that are so good for grounding us in these uncertain times. Just being outside hearing the birds seeing the awakening buds and creatures brings peace and serenity.

  171. Tammy Makoul on

    I am grateful for so many things, today and everyday I am grateful for Gods creation, specifically the Sun… gives warmth, light, growth, and pure joy. We wouldn’t have gardens without it…..we wouldn’t have life and I am grateful for both! ☀️🌞

  172. Angie on

    I’m grateful that I am able to work with flowers and am able to come home to the comfort of my lovely plants.

  173. Molly on

    Beautiful book. Thankful to be able to share my life of plants with my family and others.

  174. Ashely on

    What a beautiful interview! I especially loved the part about cultivating creativity. I am grateful for connection, even in this time and as an introvert I find myself connecting with more people than ever through social media with quarantine.. talking about shows and books.. it’s been a really interesting time, life is an amazing collection of moments

  175. Helen Gentz on

    This is beautiful! Thank you so much sharing about your amazing friend! I am so thankful for a supportive husband who has stepped up to help our kids with remote learning while I continue to work as a therapist. So so thankful!

  176. Chelsea Bumgarner on

    I am grateful for mine and my family’s health at this crazy moment in time! And for plants and sunny days!!

  177. Kathy Stewart on

    I am grateful all the hopeful hearts out there right now!

  178. Ellen on

    I am so grateful to have meaningful work in this time of craziness! Getting ready for growing season is in full swing on my farm. Being able to venture outside, sink my hands in the earth and know that I am making the world a better place makes every day joyful!

  179. Hannah on

    Christin clearly has a lot of passion, and floral design is a topic I have a growing interest in. I’m grateful for well-written books!

  180. Kari on

    I’m grateful for this time to myself. Depsite the scary reason for social distancing, I am working to appreciate this time I have with myself and take advantage of it. I’m also grateful to see the daffodils and tulips just starting showing their greenery inspiring a bit of hope.

  181. Kim on

    I am grateful for beautiful flowers in the garden, growing my own food, a roof over my head and a plethora of books to stimulate my brain!

  182. Sarah on

    I’m grateful for my husband (we got married last summer – so glad our wedding wasn’t affected by quarantines!), for our health and cozy warm house, for spring and all the flowers and birds’ songs that it brings, and for my garden :)

  183. Licha DeLaPena on

    I am thankful for the creative opportunities that have come to me. My grateful heart is open and I am blessed for all that I have.

  184. Christina on

    Oh my gosh, I am so grateful you turned me on to Christin’s work. I easily just spent an hour combing through her Instagram feed almost in tears because her arrangements are so beautiful. The colors, the designs, the whimsy! I just feel so happy despite all the tragedy going on in the world. Thank you for this delightful escape.

  185. Yvette Farrell on

    I’m so grateful for my family and friends! Following your adventures allows me to live vicariously through you! 💕

  186. Anna Congdon on

    I am grateful for the new life popping up all around, little crocus faces appearing and the tips of tulips pushing their way up to the sunlight. That the season continues unfazed and I am able to be out in it. The sun and wind on my face and the endless pruning keeping me busy ;-P

  187. Mary Gross on

    I’m grateful to learn and be inspired by others who are pushing the bounds of creativity with their work in florals!

  188. Jessica Van Winkle on

    I’m grateful for technology to keep in touch with friends and my garden which is just waking up for spring!!

  189. Kate marin on

    I am so very grateful to have a large garden space to not only feed my family but grow beautiful flowers to brighten up our days! With the guidance of Erin’s books I am growing my first real cut flower garden this year to provide and design the flowers for my brothers summer wedding! I am so grateful to be able to gift them with this! Fingers crossed it all works out for us!

  190. Kerri on

    I am grateful for the warming weather and buds coming out marking a new season.

  191. Molly Adams on

    I’m grateful that so many designers today are willing and even excited to share their secrets to beautiful designs. It’s nice to have these wonderful books with the most amazing photography and helpful instructions. It’s so much fun to try designs using flowers from my own garden.

  192. Robyn on

    I am so grateful for my family + small community. Everyone is listening to experts and taking this situation seriously. Glad to live in such a wonderful place. Also, I’m incredibly grateful for this time to get my roses in the ground…61 and counting :)

  193. Kelsey on

    I am grateful for the warm sunny weather and spring bulbs this year. It is easy to forget the chaos of the world when you’re surrounded by the beauty of flowers and nature.

  194. Brooke Van Oort on

    I am grateful that I am healthy, along with my friends and family. I’m grateful for my relationship with God. He gives me hope, peace of mind, and faith that he has plan for this pandemic.

  195. Robin Fortenberry on

    Great talk! I am grateful for all the talented people who share their ways with us!

  196. Nicole Velichko on

    I am grateful for having my family close by to help take care of my grandmother who is currently going through chemotherapy. Hopefully better days are ahead, but bringing her fresh flowers and home grown vegetables always puts a smile on her face.

  197. Emma Jarrell on

    I’m so grateful to be able to spend this time teaching my little about gardening.

  198. Stephanie Walker on

    What a wonderful interview and exciting giveaway! I would love this book. I’m so grateful for flowers. Now more than ever! I find so much peace when I’m in my garden surrounded by its beauty. Congratulations on the book launch, Christin!

  199. Sarah T on

    I’m grateful for the opportunity to create a peaceful home for my family while staying home with my babies and growing flowers on the side! Thanks for sharing!

  200. Kris Bennett on

    Would love to have her beautiful book. Congratulations to Christian!

  201. MaggieM on

    I am so grateful during this time of Quarantine that the weather has been so lovely here in Colorado! We have gone snowshoeing in the nearby national park, taken daily (and sometimes twice daily) walks around our beautiful neighborhood park, spent time gardening in our flowerbeds that are packed full of tulips, crocuses, and daffodils that are coming up beautifully, and just taking time to sit in the sunshine in our Adirondack chairs soaking up the sun. I will always remember this as a slower, beautiful time of life in spite of the terrible COvid19 threat. There’s always something beautiful and something to be grateful for!

  202. Andi W on

    So grateful for time to slow down in this weird season — giving me more time to work on getting the garden ready and playing with our spring flowers!

  203. Suzanne Champagne on

    I’m grateful for the birds that visit my garden and fill it with their beautiful songs.

  204. Chelsea on

    I’m grateful to have the support of a wonderful family that tells me to “go for it” no matter what the dream is even when I don’t necessarily believe in myself sometimes.

  205. Bonnie Foland on

    In such a turbulent time I’m very grateful for inspiration! To see the beauty in flowers and people alike.

  206. Nicole on

    Grateful for my family!! Especially in these times!

  207. Iva Basquill on

    I am grateful, that in this crazy time of quarantine, Spring has arrived! It reminds me that life goes on , and “this too shall pass.” I’m grateful to have found beauty in this time. I love staying home with my kids and sharing “slow” moments in the day.

  208. Chelsea Ward on

    I’m grateful for age. One lesson that I’ve unfortunately learned the hard way from my youth is that opportunities are missed when we just “don’t do it”. There are plenty of reasons why we shouldn’t but I think my biggest one was the negative self narrative I created. “Well it’s not the right time for that or i haven’t saved enough to start a new venture.” I’m grateful to be out of that space and for the opportunity to help others get to that place.

  209. Amy Engle on

    Love this and can’t wait to read it! I’m thankful for authors who take time to write down their knowledge or stories and share it with others! I don’t think I’d have the patience to write a book!

  210. L. on

    Grateful for the coming spring, flowers and trees beginning to bud, warm sunlight, and longer days.

  211. Karen on

    Grateful that the days are longer and it is getting warmer out. Wish we could plant outside. Still too early in New England. Be well!

  212. Samantha LeGath on

    I am so grateful for the overwhelming sense of community that I’m discovering in the floral world! Everybody wants to share and help each other learn – if we each share our knowledge, then we are all the better for it! What a wonderful world to be a part of.

  213. Rebekah Zeiler on

    I am so thankful for our expected new baby, and just that God has protected this growing miracle through a difficult time of me and our family having influenza. Thankful also for all the beautiful flowers you share, and the hope that spring and new and lovely things will come.

  214. Lisa A Carkin on

    Thank you for your wonderful work with flowers and design. I am grateful for family that work together to grow beautiful flowers that are shared with our CSA share holders.

  215. Kenya Corina on

    I’m grateful for my co-workers, they always put a smile on my face and never hesitate to help when I need it. I’m also grateful for the sun coming out, seeing the sun after many days of rainy and cloudy days charged me with energy and positivity

  216. Rebecca Bishop on

    I’m grateful that I soon will be able to grow a garden and teach my children about life on a farm. It is something I have always wanted for my children and it’s now coming to light soon!

  217. Kristina Schneider on

    I’m grateful for the time I now have to explore hobbies that make me happy that I never made time for before! Even in times of hardship there are moments of joy, and flowers have given me hope for a bright future! Thank you for continuously posting opportunities for others to grow in this wonderful field!

  218. Sarah Henry on

    Hmmm, well then, there is so much to say. I greatly appreciate the willingness of advice from expert gardeners. Thank you for selling seeds so we can try to grow food and flowers in our very own homes. I just keep trying! One year I feel I can grow anything only to be quickly humbled the following year. I feel Kansas is tricky and I don’t set expectations anymore. I just hope and pray that God opens my eyes to reasoning and the intricate beauty of the world we live in each season.
    Thank you so much for sharing all that you know.

  219. Juliana on

    Wonderful! I am grateful for the rain today! God’s peace is constant. 😊🙏

  220. Dana Crosson on

    I am so grateful for the opportunity to get into the floriculture industry this fall!

  221. Cathy Yatson on

    I am grateful that my love of flowers is completely in line with quarantine activities! I get so excited when each new seed pops through, I am a proud mama! I can’t wait for my new babies to flower so I can arrange them. I appreciate this time of mandated slow down since it is allowing me to truly take part and enjoy each step of seeding and planting out. You have to find the positives!

  222. Donna V on

    I am so grateful for all the support and guidance this flower community has generously given. I love the learning aspect of the business, but can’t wait to get my hands in the dirt. I am finally able to get my flower business going after a few setbacks, including falling off a ladder and breaking my arm in two places. But I am now ready to grow!

  223. Mackenzie Phillips on

    I am grateful for the love of flowers I share with my mom, grandmothers, and great grandmother. I am grateful for spring and warm weather and beautiful blooms.

  224. Kayla Roberts on

    Although things are rough right now, I am so thankful for the stable things – family, food, good movies, family game night, our farm, and the privilege to work. So much to be thankful for, especially our health!!

  225. Mary on

    These arrangements are lush! I’m grateful for the arrival of warm weather!

  226. Kristine Moody on

    In these times of uncertainty and much anxiety I find comfort by connecting with the earth. I am grateful to have been able to cultivate a garden that is filled with sustenance for both the body and soul. Thank you for highlighting this book and the beautiful work within it. I will be adding to my reading list for sure.

  227. Katie Schmidt on

    I am so grateful it’s spring at last! The increasing opportunities to get outside are really helping me stay calm right now!

  228. Kali on

    I’m grateful to be a farmer and get to be so connected with our food and flowers (food for the soul!) during this tumultuous time.

  229. Cachae on

    Love this interview, thanks for sharing!!
    I am grateful for my partners support. He’s always been supportive of any crazy idea or big dream I’ve had, which wasn’t the case in previous relationships. He pushes me to be creative and truly believes in me, and is always there to help me along the way.

  230. Mercedes Attig on

    I’m grateful for people who chase their dreams like you both! It not only inspires me but calls me to action! Keep going!!! It’s hard work but so much beauty! You just have to stop occasionally so you don’t miss it!

  231. Josee on

    These are so beautiful! I find it wonderful that you share so many florists with your followers. It is all so uplifting. I am grateful for moments I am able to indulge in creativity and any time I get to spend with loved ones.

  232. Nina Gardiner on

    I am grateful for flowers and the beautiful insta stories that bring them to all of us in a time of angst!

  233. Alexandra Cohn on

    I’m grateful that my family & friends scattered around the globe are safe and healthy!

  234. Laura E. on

    I’ve learned that everyone we meet can teach us something. No matter if they are a beginner, expert, enthusiast or professional. I am grateful for learning this at a young age. We can’t possibly know everything and it is amazing what others can teach us.

  235. Abbey Murphy on

    I am so grateful to share the same hobby as my grandfather. Having 70+ years experience, he gives the best advice when it comes to farming and it has been a great way to connect (via phone/email) during this time of uncertainty :)

  236. Cassy on

    I’m grateful that’s is spring, there are sunny days, and I have space to grow a garden this year!

  237. Mojca on

    I am grateful that despite everything that is happening in the world at this moment, I can still plant flowers, and think of a bright, colorful future, that will happen as soon as all the seedlings will burst into life, and bring all the colors with it.

  238. Kathy on

    I am so grateful for friends and family that check in on me and make me smile 💗

  239. Cambree on

    I’m grateful for SPRING! It makes me giddy to see everything waking up in my flowers!

  240. Jen on

    I’m grateful for my social media community. They’ve definitely kept me sane the past few weeks! Because everyone needs to be sent puppy and kitten videos to start the day :)

  241. Christine Mary Pfeiffer on

    I’m grateful for the conversation between Erin and Christin- how amazingly generous they both are with their individual thoughts and techniques. Such beauty we were privileged to witness today as we all practice social isolation, physical distancing and self quarantine. What a breath of fresh air for all !

  242. Michele Gillespie on

    I’m grateful that at this trying time, I am able to get all my seeds started indoors for my flower and vegetable garden. It’s going to be a productive summer!

  243. Sigrid Klinkenberg on

    I am grateful that even though I am quarantined on my own – along with many others – I always enjoy myself because I always have inspiration. Beautiful books help with this. I love color and recently flowers so I am never bored. I am grateful that I can still go to my vegetable garden to work and get some fresh air. And of course I am grateful for my friends and I am sorry that I can’t come close to them.

  244. Cheryl Jasina on

    What a beautiful inspiring interview! I grew up on a dairy farm here in Michigan. We had a huge garden always. My grandparents, when my Dad and his brothers and sisters, when they were little, grew veggies and took them to the Eastern market in Detroit, over 2 hours away, so city folk could have fresh veggies back in the 30’s and 40’s . So you see gardening is in my blood!! My Dad and his brother had a drain tile business where the would lay tile deep undetground so the water would drain off the fields for crop planting . When Dad would come home I would be waiting on the steps to show him my “treasures” from the garden and then we would go to the garden to find more. Of course he was also inspecting my brother’s and my weeding chores! Nothing brings me more joy than seeing the first crocuses blooming, starting seeds, and digging in the dirt! I actually have two gardens, one here in the thumb Honeysuckle Dream World snd one on the northern west side of the state Honeysuckle North. The garden is pure bliss!!!
    Culitivate… the most lovely word in the English language!!!
    P.S. Erin an order is singing your way !!

  245. Joanne Zeadker on

    Im grateful that im able to share my love of flowers with my grandkids

  246. Sassha on

    I’m so grateful for family and that I am able to move back closer to them this summer. And I’m also grateful that spring has come. I cannot wait to plant so many flowers and start my own cut garden this year. I’m truly inspired by you.

  247. Gwenith Owen-Foote on

    I am grateful to be alive and for the beauty and bounty that nature provides us.
    I am grateful to find others that appreciate the flora and sharing it with the wildlife in our gardens.
    I am grateful for the joy that fills my heart and soul each and every time I look upon a flower.
    Much love to all!

  248. Kelly Tripp on

    I am grateful that flowers remain aa the true bright spot in this scary time the world is in right now. Through flowers we can heal.

  249. Patty on

    Grateful to get outside in the sunshine for a few minutes today.

  250. Sarah on

    I am grateful for my family. They have walked beside me and encouraged me as I figure out the ins and outs of my business. My 3 year old calls my flower beds “Mamas Garden” and always says it with a smile on her sweet face.
    That…that is something I am forever grateful of.

  251. Jill Peterson, Metchosin on

    Having enough space to grow flowers and vegetables is such a gift, especially when it gives me room to self-isolate. I am thankful for my three crazy dogs who get me out of bed for walks every day. Not so much when they rampage through my newly seeded garden, or bury their treasures in the shrubbery. It’s my second year growing a cut flower garden, and I’m grateful for the generosity of those more experienced, who share so many ideas.

  252. Kim E on

    I am grateful for my health, and the health of my family, and the beauty that surrounds me.

  253. Audrey Hollatz on

    I am so grateful for the beauty that flower farming has brought to my life, and that I get to share this beauty with those in my community! 🌱🌷🌸🌾🌿

  254. Katie on

    I’m grateful for my wonderful business and the ability to continue to serve the wedding community of Lancaster, PA.

  255. Jacinta B on

    Really looking forward to this book! Thanks for sharing the backstory – I love seeing women in this (and every) industry supporting each other :) Grateful to find some sanctuary in nature and beauty in these tumultuous times…

  256. Jackie on

    So very grateful for the beauty of God’s creation.

  257. Kami on

    I’m grateful for our front and backyard that we have been turning from “sod only” into a layered garden.

  258. Shari D. on

    I am grateful to get a glimpse of the photos in the book through this article. That arrangement with the plums made me gasp, it’s so beautiful.

  259. Kim Dietz on

    I’m thankful for spring, my beautiful family and just another day to begin again!

  260. Lucy Martin on

    I am grateful for a property in the country and have a passion for gardening especially flowers.
    I have gardened for almost 30 years and the lessons that parallel with life are endless. I long for the warmth to come and ready the soil for cultivation.
    This time of uncertainty and slowing down had me perusing many books and garden images.

  261. Liz Robinson on

    I’m so grateful that Spring is here and most importantly my family and health!

  262. Lucy Martin on

    I am so grateful for a property in the country. I have a passion for gardening but esp flowers. I also really enjoy words. I long to keep growing and living creatively.

  263. Linda on

    I am grateful for being able to find solace in m garden and hear birdsong. Life’s simple pleasures are helping me to get by during this chaotic time.

  264. Brenda on

    I am grateful for family, friends and the ability to keep in touch with them during this uncertain time via internet. I am thankful for God’s beauty all around us.

  265. Katherine Leonard on

    I am grateful for spring’s return. The neon forsythia, lush magnolias and perky daffodils lift my spirit.

    Katherine Leonard/Maryland

  266. Hailey Bruns on

    I am grateful for my newfound time at home to explore creative outlets I’ve long put on hold, and to embark on the journey of cultivating a discipline for learning. I have enjoyed the peace of mind that comes with creating something, even something very small, by hand just for the sake of creation and exploration. I’m looking forward to deepening that passion.

    HB/Central Texas

  267. EM/East WY on

    Though we do not live in a beautiful place, nor do we live near any family, I am grateful that my husband and son are employed and that we are healthy, with shelter, food and water.

  268. Diane Ruley on

    I am thankful for everyday, as it is a wonderful gift. Nothing is more important than family. Love your family like there is no tomorrow. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It is not important!

  269. MG/Falls Church on

    I am grateful for the slowing down that has become a necessary part of our lives over the last couple of weeks as we all adjust to working and schooling from home. I am grateful also to once again have the buzz and hum of my children in the house, albeit college-age adult children who bring a different and welcome self-directed energy—creating art, making music and baking bread. And I am grateful for nature’s steady rhythms of clouds, rain and sunshine coexisting and cycling day after day in turn to faithfully and steadily bring forth the new life of spring every morning.

  270. Sheri Kuehny on

    I am grateful for the opportunity to put aside the chaos of the world and delve into the warm spring soil of my garden. I hope others can find some peace with nature.

    SK/Southern Oklahoma

  271. Janet Leone on

    I’m grateful that my family and friends thus far are safe and healthy during this very difficult health crisis that people are facing all over the world. I’m grateful that, as a Registered Nurse, I can continue to work, from home for the time being, keeping in touch with patients via telephone on daily basis, reassuring them they are not alone in this.
    Im grateful that I can look outside my window today and envision my garden soon to be full of life and beauty once again, soon.

    JL/Central Massachusetts


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